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4 Beverage Storage Ideas for Country Clubs That You Need

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Spending your free time in nature, surrounded by people you enjoy being with, and sipping on a nice beverage sounds like a good time, right? These are just a few things you can do atcountry clubs.

If you are acountry club manager, you know how much each detail matters. Thecountry club membersmay prefer different things to golf. Maybe they like swimming or tennis? Do they prefer non-alcoholic drinks to cocktails or wine? Whatever it may be, you should strive to provide variety and comfort to ensurecustomer satisfaction.

To help those of you who run a country club and want to be successful in thehospitality industry, we’ve decided to give you a good rundown of beverage storage ideas you should implement. Keeping beverages fresh, stocking a variety and providing a fast, enjoyable service will take you way ahead of any competitors. Let’s jump right into it!

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Beverage Storage Ideas & Helpful Information

If you happen to be thebusiness owner, you know firsthand how hard it is to plan everything, ensure smooth operations, and stay ahead of the curve. When time comes to think about beverage storage, thetype of alcoholto order, what to include in yourwine list, etc., you should consider the use ofinventory managementsoftware.

Implementing the use of tracking software that can help you place digital orders, pull statistics about amounts sold in specific time frames, and streamline your wine menu, you will save a lot of time and effort that can be put into other things. BinWise Pro can change the game for you when it comes toinventory trackingand management!

However, even the best technology can’t help you when you have to physically decide how and where to store all of the beverage bottles you have. You have to be aware of the storage conditions recommended for each type of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage so nothing goes to waste because of expiration (see:Does alcohol expire?for more in-depth info). Here’s what type of beverage storage you need.

Key Takeaway:Knowing how to store different beverages in the best way possible will help you determine what kind of storage solutions you need.

Wine Cellar and Wine Fridge

If you serve a wide variety of wines in your country club (which you really should!), you need to invest in proper storage solutions. When it comes to wine, you have two options - a wine cellar or a wine fridge.

Forcountry clubs, wine cellars are the recommended option. They are superior to wine fridges because the cellar keeps a constant and ideal humidity level. This is especially important for aging wines, as the humidity will keep the cork from drying out and letting oxygen get to the wine.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of wine fridges. Even if the bulk of the wine bottles is in the wine cellar, you can cool some bottles inside your restaurant or bar. When you have easily accessiblewine storage,waiterscan be quicker and more efficient when serving clients.

What’s even more important than having the right beverage storage solutions, is to know what’s the recommended temperature for each type of wine:

  • Red wines should be stored at 50-55 °F
  • White wines should be stored at 45 °F

It’s also important to note that wine should be stored on its side so the cork can stay moist, which will keep the wine from oxidizing. On the other hand, sparkling wines and champagne have to be stored upright.

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Refrigerated Storage for Beer

Does anyone like drinking warm beer? We doubt! That’s why you need to figure out proper beverage storage for this popular drink. As a matter of fact, 6 in every 10 Americans enjoys drinking beer and you should be prepared for that in the country club.

Beer and golf go hand in hand pretty well, so you should have the beverage available at convenient locations for players. From the bar to the restaurant and some places near the golf courses, you should be prepared and stock beer any different refrigerators. Having the drinks available all over the country club will boost your sales and overall revenue.

To prevent loss of flavor and keep the beer you serve in top condition, the bottles should be kept at a steady 50-55 °F temperature. Although these degrees are known as “cellar temperature”, they can be achieved without a cellar too.

It’s important to note that just like with wine, there’s a right and wrong way to store beer. Make sure you always put the bottles of beer upright. This way, the yeast will settle at the bottom of the bottle and won’t stick to the sides. Also, when stored upright, beer oxidized less, which will make it last longer. See “Does beer expire” for more on this topic.

Refrigerated Storage for Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Just like with beer, it’s important to keep thenon-alcoholic beverageswell refrigerated. They should also be available at different parts of the country club. Unlike wine, people may want a soda, water, or juice at any time and any place. These beverages don’t require to be in a cellar or a specific type of cold storage, so you can serve them straight out of a fridge.

Here’s how to store properly common types of soft drinks:

  • Make sure the refrigerator keeps them cool at 40-45 °F.
  • Keep all drinks away from direct sunlight.
  • Never leave drinks out of the refrigerator overnight.

By following these tips and using the “first come, first served” method, you will always be serving quality, fresh drinks to your guests. This is one great way to provide greatcustomer service.


Once you figure out the beverage storage solutions in the restaurant and bar, and in other locations in your country club property, consider the option of adding minibars to guest rooms. Minibars are not so popular in the latest years, as people prefer to interact and try new things outside of their own rooms.

However, it’s always nice to offer some amenities to your guests and you can do that by adding a minibar to the rooms.Hotel minibarsusually include different types of beverages - both alcoholic and soft drinks, as well as some small snacks. Stick to local and more unique options, to make an impression. You can also follow the dietary restrictions of your guests (look into gluten-free and lactose-free snacks, for example) and stick to the concept of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions about Beverage Storage in Country Clubs

Deciding on the right types of storage could be hard. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about beverage storage. You may find them helpful!

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What’s the Ideal Temperature for Storing Spirits?

Spirits should be stored at 55-60°F, which is slightly cooler than room temperature.Most of them won’t expire or get damaged but you still need to check them regularly and see if everything is consumable.

Keep spirits away from direct sunlight and ensure that they are used up before they expire. One sure way to use up spirits that are sitting around is by using them to createcocktail drinks.

How Many Refrigerators Do I Need for My Country Club?

The number depends on the restaurants, bars, rooms, and other locations where you want to have beverages available in your country club.This will vary based on the size of the property and the way you run your business.

更重要的是精简ordering process of beverages and stock up on everything your customers love to drink. There’s always room for improvement and you can add additional refrigerators later on, near the golf courses, for example.

Can I Lose Money From Using Bad Beverage Storage?

是的,因为乡村俱乐部的业务会失去钱e of bad beverage storage.Although most types of alcohol don’t go bad easily, they can oxidize and lose their flavor.

Also, if you are serving warm beer, not bubbly champagne, and wine that lost its taste, your business will definitely suffer a loss in revenue.

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